
Please visit my new blog at www.babysnapportraits.com/blog

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My brother's new website is live!!

I'm very proud to announce that my brother, Aaron Dressin, has finally launched a website so that he can display his amazing work. He's a seriously TALENTED photographer, has a totally different/exciting style, and amazing ideas. He often has a vision of a cool setup and finds a way to execute it, whether it includes a washing machine or a leather jacket! I'm very proud of him, extremely admiring of him, as well as thankful to him, as he gave me the push to explore my own passion for photography years ago. Congrats little brother, YOU ROCK!!!

Without further ado: www.aarondressin.com


Stacy said...

WOW Steph your brother is amazing! Thanks for turning me on to his work!

Aaron said...

Thanks Steph and Stacy!