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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The "babies"

These are the babies of our house. I think I'll call them "the babies" forever. Seems silly to call Kennedy a baby in a way, she's 2 1/2, has full conversations, is potty trained, and can hold her own, but she'll still always be one of the babies. She has a special place in my heart for many reasons. Then there's Felicity, who is the "baby baby" (as we called her in the womb), the actual baby of the family being the last born and final addition.

They are 19 months apart and actually get along pretty well so far (not much jealousy), but it's still nearly impossible to get a picture of them together, so I had to share this!



Aaron said...

They are amazing!! I wanna eat em up! :-P

Anonymous said...

They are so stinkin cute! Love the dresses too!

Dorie Howell said...

OH, they are too cute! I can't wait to see them!

Stacy said...

Love their dresses Steph not to mention they are dolls!