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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the babysnap 2008 calendar is almost full! whoa!

So BabySnap is booked now through the end of 2008 other than a possible "squeeze in" here or there (email me if you want to be squeezed). The last weekend session was filled tonight! As always I save some weekday availability for newborns so if you are expecting your new babe in the next 2 months, please call me asap and I'll get you in. I also know some amazing photographers so if we can't figure something out for family sessions etc, I can sure refer you to someone great!

My calendar is open for 2009 and I have started booking January so let me know if you want a winter session- knit hats, bright scarves, rosy cheeks, yeah! Thank you to all my clients for keeping me busy, I've loved working with every one of you! :o)

I can't post without including a picture so here's my 2 year old Kennedy last weekend:



Heather said...

Your daughter is ADORABLE! Great childhood capture on the swing!

Cindy said...

What a beautiful little girl! Love her eyes.
Adorable capture!