
Please visit my new blog at www.babysnapportraits.com/blog

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Changes on the horizon...

I've been in the mood for some change and with summer approaching, I'm thinking it's a good time to jump on it! My talented friend is coming up with a new logo for me, my original "logo" (i.e. overused fonts) was thrown together when I first created my website, very blah! We're shooting for something clean and fresh and simple, can't wait!

I'm also changing my colors to something more fresh and fun! Of course the BabySnap pink will remain in the theme (just maybe tweaked a tad).

All of this is leading up to the biggest change of all, which will be an entirely new website! This wont be up and running for quite some time as I cannot seem to figure out exactly what I want, but I hope to decide and begin working on it soon, with my goal of going live by the end of the summer!

So that's what's going on here at BabySnap right now and of course I can't post without including a recent picture. 8 month old Felicity yesterday:



Krysten said...

Can't wait to see the new look Steph. I bet it will be awesome. Love the picture of F, she is such a doll.

Aaron said...

Let's see it already!! ;-)