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Monday, June 30, 2008

The blue tie

I was lucky enough to spend my Sunday morning with this beautiful family. Little Mr. R was adorable and such a sweet guy. Being 3 years old, and like all 3 year olds, he had his mind on something and we weren't going to distract him. He wanted ALL of his pictures taken with his blue tie and cowboy hat. He seriously wanted them so genuinely bad that it was hard to not give in! We managed to distract him here and there, but he never forgot, and it still makes me chuckle right now. Thanks for being SO patient N and R, you're amazing parents! Here's a few to hold you over!





Anonymous said...

Oh these are wonderful - what a gorgeous family. Love the color in the 2nd one! And the kid has style - what can you say....LOL! I really want to see a cowboy hat one!

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

What a beautiful family. These pics are wonderful!